Bruno is a wonderful guy. A former Yugoslavian whose boyhood memories of the land back home are fond. Where Communism was not that bad and church, Catholic Church, was a big part of his life. I get the honour of spending a few hours a week of my work time around Bruno. We have some fantastic discussions. He may be hard pressed to admit it but he's learned a few things from me and vice versa. I consider him a friend and he considers me, at best, a pain in the butt. To those of you who know me well, maybe that is an accurate sentiment? LOL
Truth be told there is mutual respect between us and a camaraderie that goes just beyond friendship. We share a common faith albeit one of us is still not there yet. Needless to say the discussions get heated sometimes. Last week I challenged Bruno to read the Bible. I had told him one day, when he was berating me for being narrow minded and seeing things black and white only, that he did not have the 'mind of Christ,' therefore, his entire worldview was skewed.
So last week he asked me to get him a King James Bible and I said I would. Then he began to get picky, not too small print because he won't be able to read it. Didn't he have reading glasses I asked. Yes, but he was too lazy to wear them to read. I'll see what I have I replied. So today when I saw him he asked for his Bible and I told him I didn't have a King James Bible with the size of print he wanted.
I didn't tell him this but I have a Scoffield Study Bible (KJV) but it is a personal Bible and the other KJV Bible I have that I could have lent him had the small print he didn't want. So when he asked me today I offered to buy him one and he said he would buy one himself. I kinda prefer that option because if he buys one himself as opposed to having one put in his hand, he will appreciate it better.
So I explained about the different Bibles out there. There are small, medium and large print Bibles. The Red Line or Red Letter, Edition has the words of Jesus printed in red ink. Study Bibles have notes, maps, timelines, and other pertinent information that can be helpful. There are leather bound, and loose leaf, and a host of other features that can make it tough to pick a book. Then he said, 'but all these books how do I know what order to read them in?'
I explained that the books are laid out in chronological order and highly recommend he read them in that order after that he can go back and pick and choose what he wants to read. Now there are many Christians out there who tell new believers to begin reading from the Book of Matthew, or John or Romans or whatever. I tell people read the book the way it was meant to - from cover to cover in that order. Get the book into your system then there will be plenty of time left to go back and re-read scripture.
One of the reasons the Body of Christ is in the state it is in today is because Believers are not told to read the Book - all of it! In fact, there are some Bibles that contain only the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. That is not even a complete Bible! No wonder people perish for a lack of knowledge of God's written word. (Hosea 4:6a).
Then the other objection escaped Bruno's lips. 'I was watching this guy on TV and he was teaching and I couldn't have understand the scripture had he not explained it.' I explained to him that while there is plenty in the Book that he may not understand that it is important to know what is in there to begin with. The understanding of the more deeper spiritual stuff will come later and there are teachers out there that will expound on it.
I said that after he has read the Book he will find that he will understand better when someone is teaching and that as he learns what is in the Book and believes on it, his thinking will begin to change as his heart is changed. So I left him with that to mull on as he looks to get his new King James Bible.
I can expect more heated discussions to come after he begins to read the Book but with that I imagine, the Lord willing, that I will have the great honour of seeing a mind that is so influenced by Eastern beliefs become transformed and renewed with the 'mind of Christ.'
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
1 Corinthians 2:16
For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
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